Web design is the creation of Web pages and sites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other Web languages. Web design is just like design in general: it is the combination of lines, shapes, texture, and color to create an aesthetically pleasing or striking look.
We agree that the first impression depends on the look and Feel of site, so our highly experienced Team of UI Developers is working towards it, Web design is the work of creating design for Web pages. We not left or take lightly this until our client gets satisfied.
Ideally, UI Developers should strive to write code that is valid HTML and CSS. In doing so it makes it easier to correct problems, edit pages, or update pages. Additionally, Keeping HTML files and CSS files separately that helps to make it easier to make changes. For example, having a separate CSS file allows for aesthetic changes to be made to the entire site rather than to just a single page. If CSS rules are included within a single HTML page, changes would have to be made to each and every page. The reasoning is that HTML should only be used for raw content and CSS be used to manipulate the content for aesthetic style. This is true for scripting files as well. Pixel to pixel correct design, it has to be eye-catching, informative and usable.
Typically, a good combines color-schemes, images and informative text into accessible web pages using a structured navigation that allows users to find information easily.
Quality content and design are two critical components that can help your business succeed.
Latest technologies we adopted quickly like OOCSS, HTML 5
Many people think Web Design is about creating an attractive looking website. This may be true to an extent. However, effective Web Design is about creating a visually attractive site that is user friendly, compatible to all common spread browsers, and search engine friendly and designed to sell. There are a lot of factors that go into building a quality website that is pleasing to the eye, and designed to help you make money. But, what you don’t know about Web Design can possibly affect your ability to achieve your marketing objectives. So, before you start designing or even redesign your site, this article explores a few factors that will help you make an informed decision of choosing a quality Web Design Company that can assist you with creating a beautiful profit producing website.